Practice & Play Golf All Year Round Featuring Six Indoor Golf Simulators!

Golf Underground is a state-of- the- art indoor golf practice facility with 6 golf simulators, an indoor putting green, including 6 Trackman launch monitors that provide golfers instant feedback on every shot. The TrackMan Golf Simulator offers a library of golf courses to play. It also has a series of game improvement tools from video and swing analysis to benchmarking tools such as Test Center and TrackMan Combine, making your indoor practice sessions BOTH entertaining and productive. Patrons can reserve ½ hour practice sessions all the way up to 4-hour group rentals on multiple simulators for up to 8 golfers. Golf Underground is also home to the Pat Lenski Golf Academy, featuring experiencd golf instruction from 30-year PGA Golf Professional Pat Lenski.

Golf practice and player development have changed dramatically in recent years as technology has advanced and accelerated the way students learn. The ability to quantify what the data tells us and what a golfer feels during the swing can bridge the gap in understanding and lead to becoming a self-reliant player, and ultimately an empowered player.  With Trackman, the guess work is gone and the data guides you.